I'm only here for Savasana

Everyone loves Savasana at the end of our classes, but why exactly do we do it?

Resting in Savasana (otherwise known as Relaxed Pose, lying on your back on the mat with a bolster under your knees) works on many levels.

RELEASING – When you rest on the mat, you have an opportunity to release any tension in your muscles and allowing the integration of all the exercises that your have moved through.  That way when you leave the space you are not carrying any residual tension.

HEALING – It’s also an opportunity to rest in stillness, let go of your thinking mind and drop into your subconscious layers where healing can happen.

REJUVENATING – Being able to relax your physical body while your senses are awake is greatly beneficial for your nervous system.  By being present with the breath, breathing in and out through the nostrils you are switching from your Sympathetic Nervous System SNS (fight/flight/freeze) to your Parasympathetic Nervous System PSNS (rest & digest).

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While it may seem simple enough to rest on the mat, many finding it to be challenging to spend time here.  The physical body may be happy to rest but the mind is often much less cooperative but by staying or returning to the sensation of the breath you can slowly being to relax the overstimulated mind.

Savasana is about bringing all things to rest, not striving, not trying to push anything aside… but simply allowing all thing to unfold exactly as they are.