The Gift of Time

In this time of isolation, I have found wonderful opportunities and experiences that would not otherwise have been available to me.  I have developed new skills as well as other ways to run my business and maintain connection to my tribe. And within this, I have been spending precious time with my son, Daimen, as he has helped me navigate this new way of operating.  I have learnt so much from him, but also about him and his view on life. Without this Global event I would not have been given that gift.

I’ve also allowed myself to slow down, to flow with what feels good for me; sometimes that involves chocolate.  I take pleasure in the days that I sit at my computer in my pajamas, bed hair and not makeup ha ha. I get to enjoy the serenity of the unfolding day, to have long phone conversations with those that I love, because I’ve got time.  When we are busy, we often feel ruled by time, thoughts are rushing, and the body is contracting. Now, for the first time we have a chance to free ourselves from the constraints of time. The mind softens and the body relaxes, and we are here, now, in this time, this moment, the one time in life where we rest.

I now have time to reflect, to get to know myself a little better, to be as kind to myself as I am to others.  It’s in times of quiet reflections that the most amazing offerings rise to the surface. Sometimes that can be sadness of what I have lost but as I touch the sadness it invites me in and exposes much more to me: past challenges, my inner strength, my gratitude for all that has brought me to here, to you.

Our Challenges are many, but the gifts are endless, look and you will see.  If you see none, look harder, they are there.

"If there is something to be done—do it, 

without any need to worry; if there’s nothing to be done, 

worrying about it further will not help" 

- HH the Dalai Lama