What do you mean you don't have time to meditate?!

I get it, we are all busy and wound up so the thought of stopping and meditating seems all too hard.  But consider this: a study conducted in 2013 reported that meditation can reduce anxiety levels by up to 22%, further suggesting that regular meditation can create new neural pathways in the brain. 

In mindful meditation we focus on the present moment, not past experiences of future happenings and we respond to this moment just as it is, relaxed and quiet. All you need is 5 minutes a day, every day, and it will become easier, you will become calmer and life won’t seem quite so stressful.

By finding even 5 minutes each day for regular meditation you actually gain more time.  Meditation allows the mind to slow down, not stopping thoughts but allowing them to pass without engagement.   Meditating in a relaxed environment supports the nervous system, enabling the mind and thoughts to slow down. When you can do that, you achieve more clarity in you thinking, thus boosting your productivity and being more effective in what you do.

There is a well known saying “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day - unless you're too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” ― Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon

Meditation isn’t only about sitting in the lotus position on the mat chanting ‘OM’, it’s also about being present with everything that you are doing, whether you are on the mat or off the mat, you can engage in mindful meditation. If you are walking be connected to every step you take, feel the earth under your feet.  If you are driving, feel your hands gripping the steering wheel, your feet on the peddles, be aware of your surroundings. When you stop at a red light, take the time to connect with mindful breathing. When you eat, just eat! Taste the food, feel the texture, the aroma, enjoy every morsel. Try being present with all that you do and after a while it will become a habit.  The more present we are with ourselves and with others, the more relaxed we are, we start to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

So next time you say, “I don’t have time to meditate”, yes you do!  It’s not about time. Integrating meditation into your daily life sets a foundation of calm within, so when challenges arise in the workplace or at home, you are more equipped to deal with the tension or anxiety that rises, you become more present and see the situation for what it is and flow with it.  It’s when we push against the natural flow of life, we create anxiety and tension.

Start with five minutes a day – do it and thrive!